Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tot Trays Week 2!

I promised more pictures, this week, so here they are!

Day 1
ABC puzzle, gluing (vocab: 'purple' and 'square'), sock matching (NOT a Jordyn favorite)

A little distracted with the cap.


Day 2
Purple things, Fine motor with magnets, Dot Painting on scrap paper

She has really improved with this fine motor activity.

What a face.
This is her when we say 'smile!'
She likes dot painting, but REALLY loves pens.

Day 3
'Who lives here' game, stacking/sorting, finger painting (purple)


She loves this toy.
The white rabbits are her favorite. In fact, she has hidden them all over the house.

And the finger painting begins!


She is always so careful. I actually had to rub her hands all in it.

She got really excited and then things got a little crazy. We probably will not be doing much finger painting until she understands not to put her hands on her clothes, for example.
This is how we ended.


She did every sticker by herself.
Here is how we found Jordyn watching her favorite movie 'A Bug's Life.' This is one way to use her rocking chair her Auntie Cindy and Uncle Ron got her!!!!!!
I left the room to get ready for church on Sunday, and this is exactly how I found her. Welcome to the next stage 'climbing on furniture.'

Well, the Lord has really grown her in the last few weeks. Watching how she changes even points to Christ, as she grows she looks more and more like us (Alvin and I), and as we grow we should look more and more like Him. All things point to Him, even the nature of the development of a human being. He truly sustains His creation.

For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Collosians 1:16-17
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