The initial, all-important question that runs the mind of a new homeschool mom is, "what curriculum should I use and where am I going to get it"? This, of course, is followed closely by, "how much is all of this going to cost me"? These are not peripheral issues and can become daunting and intimidating. Thankfully, there are so many options out there.
Before Jordyn turned 2, I had spent years scouring the internet for every imaginable avenue, looking for the perfect fit for our family. I never realized how much FREE curriculum there is out there. There are so many homeschool moms that have blogs and make their printables available for FREE! I am so thankful for hardworking, God-fearing women who are willing to use their gifting to inspire and equip new mommas like myself to get started.
So, for moms out there that want just a little nudge into the world of homeschool options, here is a list of my favorite places to look for free printables and other resources:
I have used many of the ideas gleaned from these great sites, such as: organization, "Calendar Time (we call it praise time)", "Workbox Systems", "Chore Charts", Apps for the Ipad, books, themes, and practical steps on how to teach a child to read just to name a few.
After reading many reviews of different products, I have not only been able to make decisions for our family now, but I even have a tentative plan for the future. These, of course, are subject to change:
Toddler 2year-3year: We did Tot School Printables and
Preschool 3years-4years: We are currently doing Animal ABCs and Horizons Preschool for Threes,, and's Raising Rock Stars Preschool Program
Preachool 4years-5years: Singapore Math Essentials, Explode the Code Get Ready Book A, Foundations A from Logic of English along with many 'Preschool Packs' from various sites.
If you are interested in a conference check out Teach Them Diligently. We attended a Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference in 2015. We really enjoyed it and are very excited about homeschooling.
Resources you need for PreK and K years:
Sight Word Readers
My First Little Readers
Curriculum Plan for Kindergarten
Math- Singapore Math Grade 1
Reading-AllAboutReading, along with's You Can Read Program
Science-Singapore EarlyBird, along with Sonlight's K Science Books (I will buy these from amazon)
Phonics/Grammer- Explode the Code, Get Ready Book B and Logic of English (Foundations A)
Spelling-All About Spelling
Bible- THE BIBLE, Grapevine Studies, Raising Lil Rock Stars and possibly Picture Smart Bible
Hist/Geo- Sonlight's "History/Geography Core A", along with Beginning Geography Evan-Moore
Handwriting-A Reason for Handwriting
Draw-Draw, Write, Now
Character- We Choose Virtues
If we won the lottery (which we do no play) I would want to purchase:
Little Passports
and lots more stuffed animals..haha
Monthly: I have a monthly budget of $30 on Homeschool Supplies, Printables from TpT, or Ink.
Yearly: My, "money spent for yearly curriculum" goal is around $500-$600.
Here are some more great links:
Theme Based Printables
Free Reading Curriculum (This one is obviously FREE)
If you like NO PREP, FREE, EASY try this site: Easy Peasy All in One
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