Well, with Caleb coming very shortly, we thought it was time to free up crib-space. This would mean, of course, that Jordyn be moved to a different bed. So, that is what happened. A friend of ours (Thanks Jennifer!) found a toddler bed at a yard sale for $5! It was in good condition, except for one small bar that was nearly broken, and it was missing all of the hardware...of course. Other than that, it was a great find. I also found this amazing fabric at Hobby Lobby and made the comforter and two pillows. So, with a little sewing, sanding, some white paint, and multiple frustrating trips to Yeager's to compile hardware that would suffice, this is what we came out with.

Jordyn really loves sleeping in her new "big girl bed". Almost as much as she loves telling people about it. She has done really well. She does really well at night. During the day (naptime), however, she is pretty comical. She proceeded to march around her room with her blanket on her head for nearly an hour the first attempt. All in all, she has transitioned nicely and really loves her new sleep spot.
All-in-all, this was a fun and meaningful project. We were able to save some money and meet the immediate needs of our family with one go.
Bed price new: $100.00
Bedding set new: $80.00.
Bed price to us: $7.00
Bedding price to us: $30.00.
New total: $180.00
Actual total: $37.00