Thursday, August 21, 2014

Homeschool Weeks 1 and 2!!!

      August 4th was the jump off date of our first year of homeschool. After a long eventful summer full of church camp, VBS, moving into a new home, and a short trip to Texas to see greatgrandparents, we were totally exhausted but excited to begin this new journey!
     I plan to blog once a week now (hope to anyways) in order to show everyone what Jordyn is learning. This year we will will have many Biblical topics/themes and a letter focus weekly of a new letter (in alphabetical order). Along with the Bible topic and the letter of the week, we will have book themes, seasonal themes, and themes that correspond with the letter of the week (example: POND theme to go along with D is for Duck week). I will not take a picture of every "Tot Tray" but I plan to take some pictures along the way.
     I hope all of you enjoy seeing Jordyn as she transitions into this new part of her life. Love to you all. Crystal and Alvin

      First I want to explain "Praise Time." It is the very beginning of the EVERY morning, after breakfast of course. We begin by praying together, then she pulls out the "color of the week," "shape of the week," and the "number of the week." After each one we color these in our resusable Praise Time notebook. Lastly, she will look out the window and determine what the weather is like outside that day. She LOVESSSS Praise Time.

     Before we begin our "Tot Trays" she has to sit down, cross her legs and listen to the Bible Reading for the week. We read out of an ESV Family Illustrated Bible. She does very well listening and being patient before tearing into her tot trays. :)

Praise Time Board

Here you see that we have completed our board for the first day!

Week 1 of ABCJesusLovesMe with no letter of the week

Day 1 God Made Light Creation Day 1

Day 1 Tot Trays

Only Snapshot of the day, still working on a "pretty" smile.:)

God made LIGHT on day 1 of creation! 

Day 2 God made the sky and the waters Creation Day 2
Day 2 Tot Trays

Look God separated the SKY and the WATERS!
Veg. oil and water with blue food coloring!

Snack of the Day!
The Sky and Waters!
Her favorite was the sky (cool whip).
She is not a fan of jello.
Day 3 Reviewing Days 1 and 2 of Creation

Completed work!

Painting on a vertical surface.
Color: Blue Shape: Circle
She is so cute!
Transferring with tongs.

The first week was only 3 days. All following weeks will be 5 days a week until baby Caleb arrives! We will take a short break from school at that time!

Creation Day 3 God made the land and the plants!
Letter of the Week A
Theme: Fruit
Day 1
Tot Trays Day 1

We placed the land onto the felt board and discussed where the trees should go, the land or the water? She learned so much here as we found out later.

Fruits and Colors Matching
Day 2
Tot Trays Day 2
Absolutely loves to Dot Paint!!!
Got to love her smile.
Completed work!
God made the land and the plants on Day 3.

more action shots
transferring apple erasers

Painting on a vertical surface
Color: Red Shape: Line
I glued the spaghetti noodles on the night before!

Day 3
Tot Trays Day 3
During praise time we built a red line out of blocks
Color: Red Shape: Line

first time with much fun

Matching fruit

Matching fruit again

Day 4  Oops I forgot to take a pic. of the tot trays.:(

gluing seeds onto our creation day 3 craft page
She is a mess today!
3 part puzzle
She actually surprised me with this.
Day 5
Tot Trays Day 5
Notice our ABC Find It in the green bin!
This was a blast!!!
Q-tip Painting!!!
Fine motor

Happiest Face Ever!
Playdough Letter A

Sorting "Big A" and "Little A"

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