1Co 13:7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
While the world is celebrating man-centered love through the endless purchasing of flowers and processed sugars, we hope to teach Jordyn that intense love for man finds its Genesis in a intense love for God. Love for God must precede love for man for it to be genuine; for God is Love. All other forms are merely shadows of true love. Let us not forget why or how we love men and God.
1Jn 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
Theme of the Week: Valentines
Shape of the Week: Heart
Color of the Week: Red
Transfering |
Day 1
heart erasers (transferring), gluing hearts, heart coloring sheet |
First time with erasers. |
The glue stick MONSTER! |
This was the longest we have spent on a Tot Tray!:) |
First time with colored pencils, but preferred the markers. |
Say hello to her new 'SMILE' face. |
Day 2
pom poms, dot painting, tissue paper and contact paper
She took handed the lid to me and said 'red.' Yay! |
This activity got her attention, its like stickers but opposite!
Our finished product mounted on the window led to much practice saying the word 'heart.' |
Day 3
Stickers, Matching, Playdough |
She was sooooo sweet! |
Fine motor. |
All she wanted to do was just EAT THEM. |
Day 4
Foam Hearts and Glue, stringing with pipe cleaners, tape and paper |
She wanted to glue--that's it! |
We are still working on a 'sweet' smile. |
Yes she was crying! |
She got in all these different positions in order to do this activity, I loved watching her mind work. |
Day 5, Valentine's Day, we only did a Sensory Bin.
The base is colored dyed rice (Kool Aid and rubbing alcohol). It smells AMAZING! |
I kept trying to talk about the items, but she was so into this bin she didn't speak for 15 minutes. HAHA