Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tot Trays Week 2!

I promised more pictures, this week, so here they are!

Day 1
ABC puzzle, gluing (vocab: 'purple' and 'square'), sock matching (NOT a Jordyn favorite)

A little distracted with the cap.


Day 2
Purple things, Fine motor with magnets, Dot Painting on scrap paper

She has really improved with this fine motor activity.

What a face.
This is her when we say 'smile!'
She likes dot painting, but REALLY loves pens.

Day 3
'Who lives here' game, stacking/sorting, finger painting (purple)


She loves this toy.
The white rabbits are her favorite. In fact, she has hidden them all over the house.

And the finger painting begins!


She is always so careful. I actually had to rub her hands all in it.

She got really excited and then things got a little crazy. We probably will not be doing much finger painting until she understands not to put her hands on her clothes, for example.
This is how we ended.


She did every sticker by herself.
Here is how we found Jordyn watching her favorite movie 'A Bug's Life.' This is one way to use her rocking chair her Auntie Cindy and Uncle Ron got her!!!!!!
I left the room to get ready for church on Sunday, and this is exactly how I found her. Welcome to the next stage 'climbing on furniture.'

Well, the Lord has really grown her in the last few weeks. Watching how she changes even points to Christ, as she grows she looks more and more like us (Alvin and I), and as we grow we should look more and more like Him. All things point to Him, even the nature of the development of a human being. He truly sustains His creation.

For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Collosians 1:16-17

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


We finished our Dinosaur fun and moved on to the color purple! Gathering purple items was harder than previous colors, because it is not a primary color. We chose the color purple simply because she can say it. It includes toys, books, mom-made items (the I spy jar), cards, plastic fruit, toy balls, and magnets.
Tot Shelf!

Fun Fun!
Monitored play items!

Theme of the Week!

Hey everyone! In August we will be starting 'Theme of the Week'! Below is a chronological list of our themes. These do NOT include our Bible themes. I will do a later post on those specific themes!

Outdoor Fun
Zoo Animals
Body Parts
Household Objects
Cold Weather
Outer Space
Noah and Rainbows
In My House

Each theme will last one week (Nativity lasting 3 weeks)! If you have any items/junk laying around the house that would enhance our 'Theme of the Week', they would be greatly appreciated! Remember it can literally be junk or trash!

First Week of Tot Trays!

Below are snapshots of the daily trays for the first week of tot trays! I promise to take more pictures of Jordyn in action!

Transferring, Stickers, Coloring
Day 2
Beading, Matching, Tracing
Day 3
Sorting, Matching, Coloring
Day 4
Sorting, Playdough, Coloring

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tot Trays!

We started our next part of Tot School Today! Tot Trays! I chose closed ended (for the most part) activities that I think Jordyn would enjoy and place them on 3 trays the night before. Today we had Pom Pom transfer, sticker book work, and Tracing the letter A (which was really just practice using a marker).
3 Tot Trays!
She looks like such a BIG GIRL!

What a joy this journey will be.

Looking for a zebra puppet!

Here is the reading curriculum we have chosen. It is called All About Reading (Pre-reading level). After reading a ton of reviews on many of my favorite homeschool blogs, I decided it would be best choice for us. . We bought the most basic package. They also have the spelling curriculum we will use later. 

We are now looking for a piece of the curriculum that is way overpriced! Below is "Ziggy the Zebra Puppet!" If you find a zebra arm puppet that allows the mouth to open and close  and is cheaper than $18; buy it and we will pay you back. We will not need it until next January (so we have a year to be on the look out). It is important that it is a zebra and that it's mouth can move b/c we will work on syllables with "Ziggy!"
Thank you sooooo much!
This is Ziggy!!!! Look for something like this!!!!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

D is for Dinosaur!!!

We chose to take a break from our colors and enjoy some 'Dinosaur Fun!' Ultimately, we hope to give her a good, Biblical foundation to explain dinosaurs. This can be very confusing for children and even adults! We will teach her about these interesting creatures' existence based on scripture, since it is sufficient for all things. A couple of our favorite books that will help us in teaching Jordyn are 'D is for Dinosaur' and 'A is for Adam', by Ken Hamm. These books explain how dinosaurs were created on Day 6 of creation, some entered Noah's ark while others did not, then the ones that made it off the ark were killed by many possible factors. Overall they dispel the mystery of when dinosaurs lived, how they died, and how finding them now in the ground does not contradict the Bible or a 7 day creation, but actually harmonizes nicely. Below are some pictures of our dinosaur fun!
Dinosaur Tot Shelf!

Sensory Bin!
She loves the Geodes.
Good ol' Dinosaur scoop...
Dot Fun!
Coloring Page!
God Created Dinosaurs on Day 6!
Some dinosaurs entered the ark!
Some dinosaurs did not!
The dinosaurs that came off the ark died over time too.
Here are some ways they could have died hunters, ice age, volcanoes, storms, disease, drought, or snow.
The grand erupting volcano!!!!
She was very tired after this exciting day! We plan to play in the sensory bin, make dinosaur footprints in play dough, and do more coloring (she needs lots of practice)! All in all, it was a BLAST! 


Friday, January 3, 2014

Something's Fishy!!

So, there has been a bit of an addition to our family. We are now three fish heavier than a day ago. Jordyn loves them, of course, and Alvin and I are pretty fond of them too. None of us have ever owned fish before. One thing we have already noticed is that even fish have a way of inspiring awe in our Creator. They show us, in a more special way, His wisdom, His power, and His ultimate superiority to us. Just like Job said:

Job 12:7-8 "But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you."
10 gallon paradise.
Jordyn, what sound does the fish make...?
"Jett" (by day and by night) ~ Glo Tetra

"Scooter" ~ Striped Tetra

"Gabe" ~ Fresh Water Angel Fish

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