Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Looking for a zebra puppet!

Here is the reading curriculum we have chosen. It is called All About Reading (Pre-reading level). After reading a ton of reviews on many of my favorite homeschool blogs, I decided it would be best choice for us. www.allaboutlearningpress.com . We bought the most basic package. They also have the spelling curriculum we will use later. 

We are now looking for a piece of the curriculum that is way overpriced! Below is "Ziggy the Zebra Puppet!" If you find a zebra arm puppet that allows the mouth to open and close  and is cheaper than $18; buy it and we will pay you back. We will not need it until next January (so we have a year to be on the look out). It is important that it is a zebra and that it's mouth can move b/c we will work on syllables with "Ziggy!"
Thank you sooooo much!
This is Ziggy!!!! Look for something like this!!!!

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