Saturday, April 11, 2015

Resurrection Sunday!

What a day to celebrate! What a display of love and power! On this day we see His authority confirmed (Acts 2:32-33), the hope our own future resurrection established (Rom. 6:4-5), the keys to death and hell confiscated (Rev. 1:18), the disarmament and humiliation of ruler and powers as He put them to open shame (Col. 2:15), and the comfort that a living Savior brings to His people (Matt. 28:18-20). Oh, what a Savior!

Here are some of the highlights from the time spent remembering the Resurrection of our Lord.


Once again, we must be careful as parents of children. Woe to us if we find ourselves focusing on the peripherals (bunnies, eggs, candy, etc.), while merely moving Christ into the "also" category. For all of His suffering, He will have no competition on this day or any. However, woe to us also if we, as those who have true hope, are out celebrated by a world that has none.
"Lord, please allow us to convey your worth and beauty in all things in a way that is both referent and childlike. Lord, keep our hearts from ever being lift up to lesser things. Amen."
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