Saturday, August 29, 2015

Letters K, M, N, & O along with Creation!

Letter K, K is for Koala!

We are still going strong with our All About Reading PreLevel.

MARBLE PAINTING the letter 'K'

Our Book Theme: "The Three Little Pigs"


Jordyn and her Dad built a house just so they could BLOW IT DOWN!

She wasn't strong enough to blow it down so she just knocked it down.
They had so much fun.

I forgot to take pictures of letter 'L' week. Our book theme for the letter 'L' was "Llama Llama Red Pajama!"

Letter M, M is for Mouse!

M is for MMMMMouse

Letter M Maze.
She is getting really good at these.

Always tracing.

She really wouldn't stop tracing this day.
In the back of her letter work notebook is this alphabet chart.
Once I saw she was super interested in tracing, I remembered the app called
'Letter School.' Below you will her using it.

Our book theme this week was "Mouse Paint." We had such a good time mixing paint to make new colors that I forgot to take pictures!

Letter N, N is for Newt!


Our new month is AUGUST!
This is Calendar Time!

These are a new part of our school day. They are called Shared Reading Poems.
Charley, being the awesome Kindergarten teacher she is, shared these with me.
I immediately made Jordyn one.

The purpose is for her to find the sight word(s) in the poem.
She found the sight word 'is.'
Of course very slowly, because I am following her lead.



ABC Puzzle
Thanks Charley for passing this one down. She LOVES IT

Measuring Up


Letter O, O is for Octopus!

Our new curriculum. Horizons Preschool for Three's. We use it as a supplement to what we are already doing. I first had to align this curriculum with ABC Jesus Loves Me. Since both walk through the bible and cover the same main stories/events it was pretty easy to do. Very Very EXCITED!

One of our first pages from Horizons. It was very age appropriate.

We are using an AB pattern here. She is really picking up patterns.

What's the weather?

Tracing Numbers.

This time we used a coffee straw and glitter glue.

She knows my rules and we have never made a mess with it....YET

My absolute favorite tracing APP yet!

She found the word 'is' from a song sheet.
We were not on a word hunt, she just saw it and got so excited!

Finished O work!

Creation Days 1-7!
Memory Verse: Gensis 1:1

Lacing our Earth that God made!

Day 4 Coloring page from ABC Jesus Loves Me Year 3 Curriculum
Day 4 Craft

Day 5 Craft Page

Day 6 Coloring Page

On Day 7 God RESTED!
Marshmallow (pillow) as a quick snack!
She remembers this day the best (b/c of the marshmallow) when she recited Days 1-7 back to me!

Day 7 Coloring Page
We added star stickers, and talked about how He created the HEAVENS and the EARTH!

Creation Wheel
This is such a neat idea from ABCJESUSLOVESME
Great Review Craft

Finished work!
This is how we review as well.

These are our creation boxes. She uses them to act out her 'Creation Fingerplay' for myself and her daddy!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

VBS 2015

Well, it was VBS time once again and once again the availability of quality, Biblical faithful curriculum was hard to find. That is why we chose the only sure thing: Ken Hamm and the guys at Answers in Genesis. This year the theme was "Camp Kilimanjaro: An Epic Expedition Through Proverbs". The children hit many points of proverbs dealing with wisdom vs. foolishness such as: the power of the tongue to build up and destroy, the dangers of walking with fools, the benefits of walking with the wise, the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom, and the Word of God as the true source of it. Here is a link to Answers in Genesis for a look at future or past VBS curriculum.

Jordyn, of course, had an amazing time. Last year, we wondered how well she would do this year. In truth, we assumed she would still be too immature for a few years. We were wrong. She got way more out of VBS that we had thought or hoped. She had zero problems with discipline, learned her memory verses, and, even now, runs around the house singing all of the songs. We are very proud of her. I know she cannot wait for next year.

Camp Kilamanjaroooooo!!
Be sure to take frequent breaks from singing to get a bite from our Fruit Loop bracelet.

Every Expedition needs a guide...
That is a lot of Trekkers.
Such great little buddies!!

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