Friday, June 27, 2014

What a Summer, Already!

Nearly 2 months ago we posted about "being thankful in all things". Since then, much has occurred to be thankful for. In short, it has been the most future-altering, faith-strengthening, heart-encouraging, and memory-making 60 days of our marriage. And it all started with a rainbow.

May 15th we had a spring up shower that left this breath taking rainbow. It only lasted, in any notable intensity, for about 2 minutes. It was a great chance to remind Jordyn of our promising God and His faithfulness to faithless men.

(2Ti 2:13) if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.
May 31st, we decided to take a trip to the Janet Huckabee River Valley Nature Center to see some critters and have lunch. Jordyn really loved it. There was a fake pond, where you can catch fake fish with a fake fishing pole. She like this the best.


June 16th was the day we left for Family of God Camp. (F.O.G) This is a summer camp centered around the whole family. We had nearly 90 children and adults, ranging from 5 months old to 85 years old, go this year. God blessed us sweetly in the weeks and months leading up to the camp, and during the camp. As we were contemplating the "Weight of Glory", here are some of the activities we were able to enjoy.

Last week, Papaw opened the pool and Jordyn got to try out her new floatie with her cousins, Annabelle and Adelyn. They had lots of fun. She is really starting to get the hang of it after watching those "big" girls.


Finally, here are some honorable mention photos of just some of the fun moments and of also some of Jordyn's favorite people in the whole world. Enjoy!

Pretending to go "night night". Very convincing...
Baby Benjamin!
Baby Beau!
Randi, Rissa, and Lauren.
Sad face with Aunt Charley...
AAAAAHHH, with Aunt Charley!!
Mr. David caught a real fish.
Mike and Destiny. (Father and Daughter)
Sweet Lilly!
And again.

What can we say but thank You, Lord? You have been so kind to us.


Big News!!

There are three big pieces of news to report! Three happenings of importance (not equal importance) have occurred almost simultaneously. Here they are (in no particular order):

#1 - IT'S A BOY!!!

For those of you who are nearest to us, this is old news. But for the sake of documentation and sentimental effect, it is presented as New News.

Well, we decided to make the revealing of the sex of the new baby more of a spectacle than before. So, I persuaded Alvin to have a reveal party where everyone found out the sex of the baby at the same time. This required the ultrasound technician to insert the results of the ultrasound into an envelope to be given to the local florist... This florist would, then, blow up balloons (blue for a boy, and pink for a girl) to be released from a box in front of our loved ones. When the box opened, it contained wonderfully blue balloons. His name is Caleb Luke Elliott. Alvin now has a son, Jordyn has a little brother, and our family has officially doubled in size from when it started. We will have to change defenses now from double-teaming Jordyn to straight man-to-man. If we keep this up, we will be forced to drop back into a zone...


Picture representing Greenwood Jr. High School

Not much to report here, but it is notable. Alvin will be moving to the Junior High next year to teach 8th grade math/pre-algebra. He is excited, but this will be quite a change of pace from last year. Hopefully God will open up some ministry opportunities for Him with some of the students he has already seen to have influence with. May God receive glory from all of it.


In a strange, yet not surprising, turn of events, we sold our house in 3 days. We then had an accepted offer on a new house 3 days later. All so that we can better accommodate another little one. It is in a better location (near new school, nearer Fort Smith, nearer church and friends) and supplies the room we need.

Here is the link to description:

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