Thursday, February 26, 2015

Valentines Fun

Since love is the theme of the month of February, we focused on what love IS and what love ISN'T. The text was out of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
Love is patient, Love is kind,
it does not envy,
it does not boast,
It is not proud,
it is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs,
love does not delight in evil but
rejoices with the truth,
it always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres,
love never fails.
Thanks for all the sweet stuffed animals everyone!

This card was for baby Clara Lee.
This page is for her Daddy for Valentines.

Look at the
This one was for her Papaw but it is now on our refrigerator.
Valentine's Sensory Bin

Our books on LOVE!

1 Cor. 13:4-8a
Jordyn pulled a heart shaped "flower" out of the vase, each "flower" contained a part of the verse on it.
Ex. Does not boast.
The conversations were hilarious as we talked about what each one meant.
We then went to scripture to see what God says about each one.

Homeschool weeks 21, 22, & 23

What fun we have had! I have just been very lazy with my picture taking. I am regretting that now as I blog about our 'letter focus' work. I only took 3 pictures the whole week of the letter "W." This is why I put 3 weeks on this blogpost.
Week 21
V is for VOLCANO

The stamping turned into dot painting and identifying the uppercase and the lowercase letters.
I did the big V and she is tracing over it.
She did the little v.
Tracing turned into stickering, once again I tried to do a pattern with her.
Stickering turned into FACE DECORATING
Tracing her Doc McStuffins again
playdoh as the volcano mold
vinegar with red food coloring
baking soda
Jordyn got to add the baking soda
We had talked about how lava was HOT!! She wanted to get as far away from it as she could.

She was blowing on it!
W is for WINDOW
WWWWaffles with blueberries
Tracing her Circles before letter work

Tracing her lines
X is for Xylophone
Jordyn on the triangle,
Daddy on the noisy thing,
Caleb on the bells,
Mommy as the videographer
Here is our lead singer:
Colin  Sir   Elliott
Not sure if the band will be together long...
Jordyn was the triangle queen morning, noon, and night for this week. HELP!!!
This is our new set up for Calendar/Praise Time in the morning.
Our new praise time board correlates to the buckets that are attached to the shelf. She 'draws' the color, shape, animal, and letter of the DAY out of them. The books on the shelf are switched out everyday. I got this new shelf b/c I felt like I wasn't reading to her as often as I wanted to. This is a very good visual aid to remind us to read during this time.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Homeschool Weeks 20 & 21

Week 20
T is for Train
Theme: Transportation


She is always on her phone!
This bin was full of cars the whole week. She did not play with one of them.
That's okay, I bet Caleb will one day!
Fire Truck puzzle

Favorite Book:
My Little Train

This was fun.
We made a train, car, truck, airplane, and a fire truck.
She loved putting on the wheels.

Week 21
U is for Umbrella
Theme: Weather

It is funny how much she played with this umbrella, she would cry/scream when she was about 15 months old when we would open an umbrella! Oh, how they change.

One Raindrop....
ABC Find It!
 I use this sometimes, but I am not faithful to use it b/c she will see this a lot with the new curr. coming up.
I want to keep her interest in it, it really is a good tool and there are lots of variations to it.
Her weather cards.
We were able to talk about a lot of different things like tornados, avalanches, and lightning.



Friday, February 6, 2015

4 Months!!

Four months ago, little Caleb (we use "little" very loosely) came to live with us. Since then, his precious smile has greeted us every morning. His jabbering and giggling has filled any shred of silence Jordyn happened to leave between bouts of singing, laughing, and yelling. He has slept little and eaten much. He has made a very full life even more full. He has caused, what we thought to be full, hearts to swell and overflow with compassion, excitement, and peace. We love him so very much. It is hard to believe that 120 days have passed since he came, and yet it is hard to believe that this has only been our reality for a mere 120 days. We are seeing the truth in the saying "with children, the days are long, but the years are short". In short, our lives are so much more taxing and joyous because of our little man and we are loving every minute of it!!

"Lord, thank you for him for he is a priceless and special gift. Oh please allow us the enjoy him to fullness that you would have."

A few days old.
1 month old.
2 months old.
3 months old.

4 months old. "Little Brother?"


Alvin likes these three. He says they look like they could be screen shots from an old, poorly made Kung Fu film. I don't see it. I just smile and nod...

 In His great love,

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