Friday, April 25, 2014

Giving Thanks In All Things!

More lately than usual, I have realized the supreme blessing of God on our family. Too often, we receive and take from God without so much as an adequate thought of gratitude, let alone proper praise and thanksgiving. This is especially disgraceful having been those who have been given the utmost in grace and mercy in the face of Jesus Christ. It really is a shameful thing to admit, being recipients of such grace. As the people of God, especially, we are meant to be "thanks-givers". Scripture plainly says:

Col. 2:6-7 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, (7) rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Col. 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Eph. 5:4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

Phil. 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (5) Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; (6) do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (7) And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

With that, here are some due thanks that came to mind this week:

 "Thank you, Mrs. Kim for this awesome chariot. We have used it on many rides already, and look forward to many more. Jordyn absolutely adores going on rides to the park. The coolest thing is, there is room for two!!"

"Thank you, Nana for these stylishly comfy PJs. They are great for a warm summer night, and are also perfect for a hard day of playing with mom"

"Thank you, Aunt Kerry for my terrific puppy slippers. They have become a fun addition to most mornings, though I often mistake them for bunnies."

"Thank you, parvovirus B19 for giving Jordyn Fifths disease (slap-cheeks). For a little over a week we have assumed that Jordyn had really bad allergies and possibly asthma. To our surprise and relief, it was not. Instead it was some silly virus. All the while, we were forced to trust God and rely on Him for Jordyn's safety and future. We too often spurn suffering when it always proves to be the best teacher, and is often the catalyst for so much fruit bearing."

This is how she woke up this morning. I guess "slap cheeks" can also mean "slapped all over the face and head"...

We pray that God would expediate sanctification in our lives and yours to be able to truly say with Paul:

Php 4:11-13 ...I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fun In The Sun!!

Today was one of the hotter days of 2014. In fact, it was too hot for Jordyn to play on her slide and swing. She just kept yelling, "Oooottt". I told Alvin that we needed a pool. We are getting one, but Alvin wanted to try to build a sprinkler toy for Jordyn. A quick trip to Yeager's, $15, and 30 minutes later this is what he made.
The only thing left to do was put Jordyn through it a few times, and snap a few pictures. Turns out she loved it, but would not go through it without Daddy. We had to quit because she started coughing too much (stinky allergies), but here is what we were able to capture.

Looking forward to an exciting summer with my amazing little family!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Current Happenings.

So, we caught a spider this week. Some sort of harmless wolf spider I presume/hope. Jordyn absolutely could not stop looking at it. She studied that spider for an absurd amount of time. In the process, she went through the entire spectrum of emotions. She was pretending to kiss it one minute and, seemingly, mocking it by saying, "die" the very next. (That just happens to be her favorite line from "A Bug's Life") It was really great until she dropped the cage, broke the knob to the door off, and let it escape back into the house... 

Here she is bustin' a move to her new favorite movie, "Frozen".

In other news...IT HAS BEGUN. The shift in paradigm that "one must resist the urge to use the bathroom in one's pants, and, instead, one must now use a toilet." I can't imagine how weird and confusing this must have been to learn. What is our strategy? We are shamelessly bribing her with marshmallows...lots and lots of marshmallows. Luckily, she loves them and will do pretty much anything to get them. We have had many successes, and she loves telling people about "pee peeing on the potty like a big girl". So, be sure to ask her when you see her. She is sure to get super excited and make a ridiculous face! Here she is in action.

 So far, life with Jordyn has been the most rewarding and exciting part of my life. It is so amazing to watch her learn what life is and how to do it. It has turned out to be way more fun that I had even anticipated.

"Lord, supply the grace needed to ensure that she knows that mommy and daddy love You. That she might know that any love we have for her flows, first, from a love for You. Protect her heart from the harm that our weaknesses could cause, and use them for good. As she looks now to us to lead her and guide her, please Lord, do not allow us to celebrate, allow, and promote things that are contrary to Your nature and Law. May we not defile, in the least bit, the gift that is our daughter. Amen"


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So, April 2nd was Alvin's birthday. He doesn't particularly like birthdays, but not for the same reason as most. He really thinks we should do away with them and celebrate the day we are born again instead. We could call them "new birth" days. He says, "the first birth only leads to death, but the second to eternal life. This second birth is the true 'beginning of days' for the Christian (Exodus 12:2) and should be the one we celebrate." However, as far as traditional pagan celebrations go, it was a great one! He received a lot of birthday wishes/blessings from family and friends (all very thoughtful), and we actually got to have dinner for two at one of our favorite restaurants. However, he would probably say that the best part was his gift. He found this 214ce Taylor acoustic/electric, in like-new condition, online for an less than half of the price of a new one. Having saved for a while, he snagged it. He is pleased with it!

The real news is: we heard the heartbeat! It was such a good, strong heartbeat, and there was only one. (phew) We really like our doctor, she seemed very personable. Now we wait........ Isn't it cool how the Lord has already decreed the gender, name, life, and eternity of this baby, of which, we have only but heard it's heartbeat for about 20 seconds? He will unfold these mysteries to us in His perfect time, and we get the joy of experiencing them as He allows. He truly is a Father that gives good gifts to His children (Luke 11:13)! In mimicking this principle, here are some more pictures of how we are seeking to unfold the world for Jordyn in true love and Spiritual discernment.


 She is such a complete blessing to us and a true joy to our hearts. And just when things get comfortable, here comes another one!

"Lord, enlarge our hearts and increase our capacities to love, that we might be able and willing to pour out affection and care on the new baby without removing any from Jordyn. Allow us grace to continue displaying Your mercies toward our family as we shepherd them in You. Amen."

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