Saturday, December 6, 2014


   This was the week Caleb was born. We did this as a theme instead of a letter theme or our Bible Curr. b/c it was such a hectic time. He is now 2 months old and I am just now putting this blog together. Jordyn LOVES doing seasonal themes, I'm guessing b/c it is something different than the usual 'school.' We focused on PUMPKINS first, then LEAVES, APPLES, and SCARECROWS. I wish I had more pictures of all the fun things we did. We sang fall songs, collected fall items outside, read the cutest scarecrow book,"The Little Scrarecrow Boy." I am excited to begin our NATIVITY theme starting Dec. 1st and lasting all month. After that we will do a winter theme in Jan.
   How much fun it was here are a few of our moments.


Excuse the crazy hair this week!

Painting our pumpkin!

Transferring using TONGS!

I created this activity, very easy and she loved it!

Got this at the Target $1 spot ......MY FAV. PLACE!

I saw this quick and easy craft on Pinterest. I pretty much did it though. Not exactly developmentally appropriate.

Q-tip painting

Counting our leaves!

We LOVE Fall!!!!

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